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Saturday, May 14, 2016

[News] New Game from DMM! | DMM旗下新Game: OZ Chrono Chronicle

Not under 18 DMM Game, don't feel disappointed. It is absolutely a quality game! | 不是R18哦,不要小失望,這絕對是一款良心作品啊!

Good quality of graphic and almost all CV voice! | 但看畫質已經非常吸引,而且DMM的角色造型一直不錯!立即睇睇下面資料:

More with other charactors | 然後還有不同角色的片子:
More Pics!

Last, remember to reserve the game! | 最后當然是事前登陸啦!

3rd Link | 第三方預約地址

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