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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

[Share] OZ Chrono Chronicle 上市 - 首抽分享

OZ Chrono Chronicle 終於上市了,網上尋找了一圈,看到日本大大們首抽,目前最高應該是五星+一暗星(可以進化到六星的意思)。而卡片如下圖所示,應該是紫色的!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

[Gift] Account giving | 送賬號 : Last Period | ラストピリオド 最終休止符


Leave your comment with email address to get this account! Will luck draw to give out the account this two days | 留下你的郵箱,這兩天抽出幸運兒送出賬號!

[Gift] Account giving | 送賬號 : 蒼空解放 | 蒼空のリベラシオン

Leave your comment with email address to get this account! Will luck draw to give out the account this two days | 留下你的郵箱,這兩天抽出幸運兒送出賬號!